Must-Have YouTube Links To Help You Start Promoting Your Business with Video

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me an email or post it in the comments.
Useful YouTube links
These links are all from YouTube and supposed to be easy to find. Yet, many people still struggle with getting started or finding answers to the most basic YouTube questions. Hope this list will help you to get going in the right direction.
YouTube Help
Just starting with YouTube and need some basic tips? There’s a lot of helpful information in the YouTube Help Channel.
YouTube Creator Academy
YouTube Creator Academy – learn new tips from successful YouTube creators as they present their best practices via free online lessons.
YouTube Trends
Want to know what’s hot and trending on YouTube? Check out YouTube Trends. Spot what’s poppin’ as it’s poppin’.
Advertise on YouTube
If you want to run your own ads in other people’s videos here’s how. Advertise on YouTube.
YouTube Live Streaming Help
See how to create live events on YouTube in the Live Streaming Guide.
YouTube Capture
Create great videos on the go using your mobile device and YouTube Capture.
YouTube Copyright and Contact ID
If you have a copyright related question or would like to file a DMCA complain (to report a copyright violation) you can contact YouTube directly:
Phone: +1 650 214 6064
Fax: +1 650 872 8513
DMCA Complaints
YouTube (Google, Inc.)
900 Cherry Ave.
Fifth Floor
San Bruno, CA 94066
If your video received a copyright strike on YouTube you can dispute it by following the steps in this tutorial: How to Dispute a Copyright Strike on YouTube?
YouTube Upload Checklist
Check this list before uploading your next video: YouTube Video Optimization Checklist.
Understand YouTube analytics
Monitor the performance of your channel and videos with up-to-date metrics and reports in YouTube Analytics. There’s a ton of data available in different reports, like the Watch time, Traffic sources, and Demographics reports.
Insight into YouTube’s Future
Finally, here’s an interview with YouTube’s own CEO Susan Wojcicki who shares her vision of turning YouTube stars into real-life starts (and making money while having fun). Read exclusive interview with Susan WojcickiĀ at Advertising Age.
Questions about using music in YouTube videos?
Post it in the comments below.
Making lots of videos?