Appropriate background music will help to support your marketing message. Wrong music will distract the viewers and make your video look unprofessional.
Tips for choosing proper background music for marketing videos
Formulate the goal of your video
Knowing the goal will help you to understand how the music can support your marketing message.
Define the mood
Do you want your viewers to feel happy, relaxed, pumped, uplifting, or sad?
Keep Background Music In The Background
Don’t use music that draw attention away from the video or overpowers the narration.
Background Music Examples
Positive and uplifting royalty-free music with motivational and inspirational sound for corporate videos and marketing media visuals or presentations.
Positive corporate royalty-free music with assertive and grand feel for an uplifting and motivational corporate video or commercial.
Positive, motivational, and uplifting royalty free background music for corporate and small business videos with inspirational and confident feel featuring the mix of acoustic and electronic sounds.
Mind Your Target Audience
If you’re trying to reach a broad market choose the music that is neutral and broadly appealing.
Keep It Steady
Pick music with steady pace and no sudden changes in mood or instrumentation.
Keep It Current
Unless there is a good creative reason, use modern sounding music.
Use Loops
Combine individual loops to construct a custom soundtrack of specific length or desired instrumentation.
Get Proper License For The Music You Use!
Always obtain permission / license to use the music. Keep it on file for any possible copyright dispute.
Get your license from a music library that specializes in background music for marketing videos.
If you plan on uploading your marketing video to YouTube, make sure the license explicitly covers commercial YouTube use.
I also welcome you to listen to my top 10 best selling royalty free music tracks that appear in many corporate and marketing videos on YouTube and elsewhere.
More on music licensing:
5 Music Licensing Mistakes that Can Make Your Video Disappear
Read This Before Using “Copyright Free” Music In Your Marketing Video
Where To Find Legal Background Music to Use in Low-Budget Videos
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