Here’s What’s New At MikS Music!

MikS Music
It’s finally Springtime! That doesn’t mean I was hibernating during the winter, though. I’ve uploaded new royalty free music tracks, introduced the new “Loops” category, made new posts in my blog, and added quite a few improvements to the Web store.

Bundled Loops For Simplified Video Editing

Matching the length of the background music track to the length of your video can be tricky even if you know how to manipulate sounds and to cut loops. On top of that, the loops made from a single composition may not loop seamlessly and may have the ‘leftover’ sounds from the preceding sections. Not to mention that it does take time and adds to the overall workload and stress if you’re under tight deadline to deliver the video.

That’s why, to make things easier for you, all new music tracks uploaded to the shop starting this April will have a number of custom, seamless loops included at no additional cost. Making a custom soundtrack of desired length just got much easier with only a little extra editing. Just assemble the loops together and you’re done!

Sound Effects Category To Be Discontinued

Over the past year, the Sound Effects section has seen very little activity in terms of both the new content and the downloads. So facing the choice between maintaining a limited SFX section or investing my time into making better music, I decided to remove the SFX category completely and to focus solely on music. I’m sad to see it go but I believe it’s for the better.

New Royalty Free Game Music Loops Category

Making indie games? I may have some good news for you! I spent some time talking to a number of game developers and wanted to create an ultra affordable product to meet their needs. A brand new Loops / Gameplay category will offer small sets of royalty free music loops that can be combined in any order to make custom soundtracks.

Even though loops are often used in game development, you can easily use them in any project that calls for either a small repetitive musical phrase or for a custom-length soundtrack.

See more music loops available for licensing and instant download

Simplified Product Pages

After taking a critical look at the product pages, I decided to implement few improvements, such as removing redundant links, clarifying the licensing terms, and adding few shortcuts for simplified navigation. More updates are coming to the checkout and the cart pages, so stay tuned!

This Month’s Best Selling Royalty Free Music Track

Buy Once, Use Forever

  • To use in personal or small business (up to 5 employees) promotional video, social media, podcast, presentation, free / student film, free app / game, and any media / online content not intended for sale.
  • To use in corporate promotional video, social media, podcast, presentation, tradeshow, point of sale, on hold, event, online / regional TV advertisement incl. political, and all revenue generating media, games and online content up to 1,000 sales.
  • To use in all revenue generating content with unlimited sales, feature film with unlimited distribution, TV/Radio show with nation-wide audience, and commercial TV/Radio advertisement.
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Positive, bright, and upbeat royalty free music with uplifting and confident feel for corporate videos and marketing projects.

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About the author: Hi, I’m Mik. I make royalty free music for promotional videos, YouTube business vlogs, marketing campaigns, film, and more. All my music is available for licensing online with a simple royalty free commercial license. Buy once, download instantly, use forever!

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